Web 2 Widget
Click any Image to zoom out
Demo Video

Main Application

The Main Application looks similar to a Webbrowser, and thats its main purpose. Simply enter a Wbsite URL, scroll into Position and you can even pinch and zoom into View, remember, What You See Is What You Get, so whatever you choose here, it will be displayed in the Widget as well


The Widget is static by default, so you cannot click any links or navigate, its not for this purpose made, but you can change this with the small switch at the bottom left, this will allow navigation, even a Video Playback can be started this way. But if you want to use its full size of this Website, you can tap on Open in Browser and it will go to Mobile Safari and load it there ...

The Gallery is new and currently very small, it shall contain Websites that work well with Mobile Devices and with Web2Widget due Performance etc. if you have any ideas or suggestions plz feel free to deop me a Message via the Support Form with the URL, i can add this at any time...